How do I find good running music?

Lysanne Wilkens Vrijdag, 2 oktober 2015
How do I find good running music?

Many of us like to listen to music while running. The right songs can motivate you and keep you going longer. But how do you find the right running music to match your running rhythm?

Various studies have shown that people continue to exercise longer when they listen to music because it distracts them from fatigue and pain. Energetic music is stimulating, whereas quiet music helps with relaxation and calming down.

The best music to run to differs for everyone. Do you use music for distraction? To get into your rhythm more easily? Some people prefer music with many beats per minute, others prefer quieter music and still others like to listen to a podcast rather than music.

On Spotify, you can find various running playlists sorted by beats per minute. This is a measure of the pace of the music and helps you to select songs that suit your running rhythm. To find the playlists, go to ‘Browse’, then to ‘Genres and moods’ and click on ‘Workout’. Scroll down the list to 'Running' and see the lists there.


Start slowly and choose music with fewer than 140 beats per minute. The ‘Pop Warm-up’ playlist on Spotify has 130 beats per minute and is the ideal warm-up. The tempo corresponds to a speed of 7 minutes per kilometre.

Find your rhythm

Once you are warmed up, you can switch to a playlist with a higher tempo. If you know how many steps per minute you take, you can adjust the number of beats per minute accordingly. This will make it easier for you to get into your stride and keep it up smoothly. Songs from 170 beats per minute upwards are really uptempo and can help you to give that little bit extra.

Create your own

Perhaps the best way to get the most out of your run is to create your own playlist. It’s very simple. Create a Spotify account (if you don’t already have one) and select the ‘New Playlist’ option from the left-hand toolbar. You can give the list a name and then look for songs you like to run to. When adding numbers, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • The number of beats per minute. This corresponds to the number of steps you take per minute. Do you want to increase your step frequency? If so, it may help to set the number of beats per minute a bit higher.
  • Add songs you know and that make you feel good. Your favourite songs can make the kilometres fly by unnoticed, keeping you going longer.
  • Don’t forget to turn on shuffle mode and keep updating your playlist so you don’t hear the same songs over and over again.

These tips will help you find the right playlist on Spotify if you also want to enjoy music while running!

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