Start number pinned on, laces tight: ready to go?

Vrijdag, 2 oktober 2015
Start number pinned on, laces tight: ready to go?

Just a few more weeks and you will be standing on the starting line of the running event you have been training for. You have completed the training well and you are not injured – you are on track for a good result. Now it is time for the final tasks and the last details. Thanks to this checklist you will be perfectly prepared!


After weeks of training, it is time to slow down, because it is important to be well-rested, with fresh legs and a full tank at the starting line. In the final week, it is common to run about half of the average number of kilometres you’ve been running in the past months. In percentage terms, the share of high intensity remains more or less the same. Do not do any heavy training in the last 3-4 days. Just skip the strength training for a week. You can continue doing easy core exercises.

Take it easy

Even if you don’t work out – or if you work out less – it’s possible to waste your energy on other things. So try to take it easy in other areas in this final week as well. Make sure you get enough sleep, postpone large projects at home and put off that difficult work meeting for a week. Above all, find people and situations that help you relax.

Think out your race

How are you going to run? Do you have a target time? Calculate your average kilometre time. This will ensure that on the day of the race you have to think as little as possible and can focus on performing. Run a bit slower in the first few kilometres and save the best for the last few kilometres.

Study the conditions

What is the course like? Is it flat or do you go uphill and downhill? Also check the weather. What is the expected temperature? Is it windy? This is all important information that you should take into account in your expectations and running plan.

Have a nutrition plan

Make sure you have a nutrition plan for the days before the race and for the day itself. The longer the distance and the faster you want to run, the more important the nutrition factor becomes (see also this article by nutritionist Tara Vossers). It is also reassuring to know what you are going to eat. Another thing not to have to think about.

Pack your bag the day before and get your clothes ready

“I don't have any safety pins for my race bib.” “My favourite socks haven’t been washed.” “My sports watch isn’t charged.” Avoid having an unpleasant surprise or wardrobe crisis at the last minute by packing your bag the day before and getting your clothes ready.

Go over the day beforehand

Finally, go over the day one more time. What time do you have to be where? How are you going to get there? What time do you have to leave the house to be there on time? Where can you park? What kind of warm-up will you do? Where will you keep your things? Prepare the entire day down to the last detail, so that you can be relaxed on the day itself.

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