There hides a runner in everyone

Over 2 million Dutch people regularly put on their running shoes. Would you like to be part of this ever-growing group of sports enthusiasts? Don't hesitate any longer and join us!
The great thing about running is that you can decide where, when and with what intensity you do it. Therefor, running is suitable for almost everyone. Are you (considerably) overweight, have health problems, or do you have heart problems in your family? In any case, inform your doctor of your intention to start running. He or she can tell you whether it is advisable to do an exercise test first, or whether nothing stands in the way of taking the advice below to heart and getting started.
Aim for a target
Don't make your first goals too big. Fantasize about it, about participating in the real marathon, but for your motivation it is better to opt for small, achievable goals. Running for fifteen minutes without stopping, for example. Or run three times a week for a month. Sign up for a recreational run of three or five kilometers that will take place in three months. And let the audio coaches in the app guide you. Then you can be sure that you are training responsibly and effectively.
Keep it simple
Stick to the basics. Those are good shoes and a good sports bra for women. Put on comfortable clothes and walk! Things like a heart rate monitor, functional running tights, compression stockings and beetroot juice can wait until you really get a taste of running.
Stay close to who you are
Although running is an individual sport, many runners train with one or more running buddies, a running group or at an athletics club. Running together can be good for motivating each other, but as a starting runner the pitfall is that you focus too much on the others and run faster or longer than is good for you. Always choose your own pace and stop when you think it's long enough. Don't go too far out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to take walking breaks if you're about to get out of breath.
Don't expect miracles
You've probably heard of effortless running in a flow, of a runner's high, of starting tired and finishing fresh, of a healthy addiction and of getting cranky when you can't train. You will certainly experience that, but not in the first weeks. It can take months before your body 'gets' what it means. Then you suddenly notice that your condition improves and your legs become stronger. A wonderful reward for your perseverance.