Protein-rich oatmeal with apple and speculaas spices

Lenna Omrani
Lenna Omrani Vrijdag, 2 oktober 2015
Protein-rich oatmeal with apple and speculaas spices
© Lenna Omrani

Do you also love a warm breakfast in autumn or winter? And would you like to try a different take on your basic oatmeal recipe? If so, try this protein-rich variant made with apple, raisins, pecans and speculaas spices! With just a few ingredients, you can easily make this tasty and healthy breakfast. To make sure your blood sugar doesn’t spike, we add a good protein powder and healthy fats to this recipe. Don’t have much time in the morning? Then prepare it the evening before!

If you like apple pie, you will also like this oatmeal with apple, speculaas spices and raisins. Speculaas spices (or mixed spice) is simply a spice mix that was known as far back as Roman times! It’s a
mix of various spices, but the base is made of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. These spices are very suitable to autumn and winter due to their warm flavours. Besides giving you enough energy in the morning, it is also perfect as a recovery meal.

Ingredients (for 1 bowl)

  • 1 small apple
  • 1/2 teaspoon mixed spice and speculaas spices
  • 250 ml plant-based milk
  • 40 grams oatmeal
  • 1 small handful raisins
  • 20 gram (plant-based) protein powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 small teaspoon coconut oil
  • A small handful pecans
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Havermoutpap 2 Lenna Omrani


1. Wash and cut the apple into small cubes and fry in a pan with some coconut oil and some mixed spice until golden brown.
2. Add the oatmeal and milk and bring to the boil while stirring. Then lower the heat and allow to simmer for 5 minutes. Make sure to stir the oatmeal constantly.
3. Turn off the heat and add some protein powder, raisins to taste and a pinch of salt. Stir well.
4. Put the oatmeal in a bowl and add some pecans, apple pieces and/or peanut butter. Enjoy!

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